Why Howard U.

My interests in social work and public service led me to my apply to the Howard University School of Social Work (HUSSW) in Washington, DC to earn a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree with a **concentration in the method of macro practice and the field of family and child services. It is my vision that this degree program will prepare me to work with agencies and advocacy groups that help provide social, economic and personal enrichment opportunities for families and young people.

Picture:Inside School of Social Work

Conversations with students and faculty raised my desire to explore the program, and my visit to the school last December sealed the deal!

Picture: Founder's Library, Howard University

Statement of Interest excerpt from my application:
“My interests in social work education at Howard University were first developed when I learned of the program’s options for fields of study. In combination with available field concentrations, the selections for methods of practice offer multiple research and degree possibilities. The dedication to community service at Howard University and the School of Social Work is outstanding; it is a foundation of the civil rights history of the University and the United States. My background and passion for working with vulnerable populations and minorities would undoubtedly be challenged – and more importantly, strengthened – by the School’s Black Perspective. Experiencing this unique framework will benefit my ability to administer social services and promote social justice."

** Before my final year, I changed my concentration to direct practice and field of practice to healthcare settings.